
  • Jan 26, 2023
  • Jack Law
  • 869 留言
1. 將200ml水倒入鍋中煮滾,煮滾後加入西米,中間持續攪拌避免黏鍋,煮至西米快呈透明狀時熄火,燜5分鐘,再將滾水倒掉,以冷水洗淨西米,待冷備用
2. 另取一鍋,倒入150ml的水煮沸,同時加入椰漿和牛奶,煮滾後加入冰糖拌勻熄火
3. 接著將西谷米加入椰汁中拌勻即完成
4. 喜歡的話可以雪凍後加入芒果或其他生果
西米 100克
椰漿 165 ml
牛奶 200ml
水 150ml
冰糖 適量

869 留言

beware! all the reviews here and on the internet about stolen asset recovery like icarerecoveryhack etc. are a set up and scam. real hackers will tell you that. how do we know? because the claims on their websites do not add up with reality. their scam is to convince you that an initial down payment from your side is necessary to start the recovery process which is maybe true for very poor people but cannot be true when they are claiming to have successfuly recovered funds for 10000’s of people and made millions with it. so they even cannot afford to pay for the cost in the process and charging for their efforts after successful recovery? ask yourself what this could mean. beware they are the worst of people preying on those who got already scammed by people like them. never give them any money upfront.


Sep 13, 2024

beware! all the reviews here and on the internet about stolen asset recovery like icarerecoveryhack etc. are a set up and scam. real hackers will tell you that. how do we know? because the claims on their websites do not add up with reality. their scam is to convince you that an initial down payment from your side is necessary to start the recovery process which is maybe true for very poor people but cannot be true when they are claiming to have successfuly recovered funds for 10000’s of people and made millions with it. so they even cannot afford to pay for the cost in the process and charging for their efforts after successful recovery? ask yourself what this could mean. beware they are the worst of people preying on those who got already scammed by people like them. never give them any money upfront.


Sep 13, 2024

Website info: h t t p s : // adware recovery specialist. expert

WhatsApp info:+12 723 328 343

Two  months ago, I found myself deeply involved in what I thought was a promising investment opportunity. I was excited and optimistic about the potential returns. Unfortunately, my enthusiasm quickly turned to despair when I discovered that the investment company I had trusted was nothing more than a sophisticated scam. Initially, everything seemed legitimate. The company was well-organized, their website looked professional, and the brokers were persuasive. I invested a significant amount—AUD 45,000 in Bitcoin—believing it was a wise decision. I was confident that my investment would yield substantial returns. However, things began to unravel when I requested a withdrawal of my profits. At first, everything seemed normal. I filled out the necessary forms and anticipated receiving my returns. Email info:  Adware recovery specialist @ auctioneer. net  To my dismay, the company started asking for additional fees and commissions before processing my withdrawal. I was skeptical and hesitant but eventually paid the requested amounts, hoping it would resolve the situation. Unfortunately, the demands didn’t stop there. The company continued to come up with new excuses and additional charges, trying to extract even more money from me. Despite my growing frustration, I initially tried to comply, believing it was the only way to recover my investment. However, when they started inventing even more fees and excuses, I decided enough was enough. I refused to pay any more money, standing firm on my decision not to send another dime until I received my initial investment and profits. As time went on, the broker who had initially introduced me to this company stopped responding to my messages. Despite my repeated attempts to reach out, my messages were read but never replied to. It became clear that I had been completely cut off and left in the dark. Desperate for a solution, I began searching for help online. That’s when I came across ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST . I was skeptical at first, having been duped once already, but I needed to try anything to recover my investment. After reaching out to ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST  , I was surprised to find them professional and dedicated to their work. They assessed my situation and assured me that they could help. To my amazement, they successfully navigated the complex web of deceit and managed to retrieve my full investment. They transferred the entire amount—AUD 45,000 in Bitcoin—back to my Trust Wallet address. Their expertise and persistence were impressive, and they proved themselves to be the genuine deal in an otherwise sea of fraud. I must admit that I had significant doubts at the beginning, but ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST  exceeded my expectations and restored my faith in recovery services. Their success in recovering my funds was not only a financial relief but also a huge emotional boost after such a stressful ordeal. For anyone who finds themselves in a similar predicament—caught up in a fraudulent investment scheme—my strong recommendation is to contact ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST. They have demonstrated their capability and reliability in recovering lost investments. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them for any recovery needs. Their expertise can make a significant difference, as they did in my case. while my experience with the fraudulent investment company was extremely distressing, the intervention by ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST  provided a crucial lifeline. Their professionalism and effective recovery solutions were a beacon of hope and helped me reclaim what I had almost lost. If you’re facing similar challenges, seeking their assistance could be the key to recovering your funds and moving forward from the ordeal of financial deception.

Elaine Simons

Sep 12, 2024

I recently had a harrowing experience where I was scammed out of a significant amount of money, and iCARE RECOVERY HACKER Tool played a pivotal role in helping me recover from this disaster. Here’s my story and how iCARE RECOVERY HACKER became my savior. It all started when I came across an online broker offering incredible rates for Bitcoin transactions investment. As an experienced investor, I knew the importance of due diligence, so I meticulously researched the broker, looking at their website, and reviews, and even contacting their supposed customer support. Everything seemed legitimate, and the broker’s rates were too good to overlook. Convinced, I decided to transfer $95,900 worth of Bitcoin to this broker. However, things took a dark turn soon after the transfer. My attempts to withdraw funds were met with delays and excuses. My anxiety grew, and within three days, I realized I had fallen victim to a scam. The broker was unlicensed, and my hard-earned money was gone. Panic set in, and I knew I needed immediate action. Within three days of the scam, I reached out to iCARE RECOVERY HACKER, a name I had heard in various forums for their expertise in digital asset recovery. From the moment I contacted their team, I felt a glimmer of hope. They were professional, empathetic, and incredibly knowledgeable about the intricacies of cryptocurrency scams. iCARE RECOVERY HACKER team quickly assessed my situation, gathering all necessary information about the transaction and the fraudulent broker. Their deep understanding of blockchain technology and cybersecurity was evident as they meticulously traced the transaction. They reassured me that they would do everything possible to recover my funds. The recovery process was complex and required patience, but the team kept me informed at every step. They provided regular updates and maintained transparency throughout, which helped alleviate my stress. After 6 days of persistent efforts, iCARE RECOVERY HACKER team successfully retrieved 100% of my lost Bitcoin. In conclusion, iCARE RECOVERY HACKER is more than just a recovery tool; they are a lifeline for those who have been scammed. Their expertise, dedication, and unwavering support turned a potential financial catastrophe into a manageable setback. I am incredibly grateful to them for their help and cannot recommend their services enough because they are the best. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to contact iCARE RECOVERY HACKER team because they are the real deal.
Contact them through the info below.

Telegram: @icarerecoveryhacker

WhatsApp: +1 (929) 447-0339

Website: https://icarerecoveryhack.site

Email: icarerecoveryhacker@icare.co.site

Jesiah Matheo

Sep 11, 2024

I recently had a harrowing experience where I was scammed out of a significant amount of money, and iCARE RECOVERY HACKER Tool played a pivotal role in helping me recover from this disaster. Here’s my story and how iCARE RECOVERY HACKER became my savior. It all started when I came across an online broker offering incredible rates for Bitcoin transactions investment. As an experienced investor, I knew the importance of due diligence, so I meticulously researched the broker, looking at their website, and reviews, and even contacting their supposed customer support. Everything seemed legitimate, and the broker’s rates were too good to overlook. Convinced, I decided to transfer $95,900 worth of Bitcoin to this broker. However, things took a dark turn soon after the transfer. My attempts to withdraw funds were met with delays and excuses. My anxiety grew, and within three days, I realized I had fallen victim to a scam. The broker was unlicensed, and my hard-earned money was gone. Panic set in, and I knew I needed immediate action. Within three days of the scam, I reached out to iCARE RECOVERY HACKER, a name I had heard in various forums for their expertise in digital asset recovery. From the moment I contacted their team, I felt a glimmer of hope. They were professional, empathetic, and incredibly knowledgeable about the intricacies of cryptocurrency scams. iCARE RECOVERY HACKER team quickly assessed my situation, gathering all necessary information about the transaction and the fraudulent broker. Their deep understanding of blockchain technology and cybersecurity was evident as they meticulously traced the transaction. They reassured me that they would do everything possible to recover my funds. The recovery process was complex and required patience, but the team kept me informed at every step. They provided regular updates and maintained transparency throughout, which helped alleviate my stress. After 6 days of persistent efforts, iCARE RECOVERY HACKER team successfully retrieved 100% of my lost Bitcoin. In conclusion, iCARE RECOVERY HACKER is more than just a recovery tool; they are a lifeline for those who have been scammed. Their expertise, dedication, and unwavering support turned a potential financial catastrophe into a manageable setback. I am incredibly grateful to them for their help and cannot recommend their services enough because they are the best. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to contact iCARE RECOVERY HACKER team because they are the real deal.
Contact them through the info below.

Telegram: @icarerecoveryhacker

WhatsApp: +1 (929) 447-0339

Website: https://icarerecoveryhack.site

Email: icarerecoveryhacker@icare.co.site

Jesiah Matheo

Sep 11, 2024
