Yummy and Healthy Pack Lunch --- Black Fungus Salad, Egg & Tomato, Sesame Sauce Soba

  • Jan 24, 2023
  • Jack Law
  • 651 留言
黑木耳 (Auricularia polytricha) 富含纖維、維生素和營養素,對我們的腸道、大腦和血管特別有益。它也是一種非常有效的抗氧化劑!
1. 挑選一小束黑木耳絲。黑木耳絲非常容易煮,方便快捷。將其浸泡在冷水中 15 分鐘,直至變軟。
2. 然後用水煮5分鐘,隔水。
3. 白芝麻放平底鑊以中細火烘烤2-3分鐘至表面金黃即可,途中要不斷翻動芝麻以防燒焦。
4. 黑木耳中加點調味料,例如芝麻、糖、和風沙拉醬、醋、辣醬都可以,可隨意根據自己的喜好調味,然後就完成了!放入冰箱冷藏2-3天。想吃就吃!!
5. 蕎麥麵煮5-8分鐘至熟。用冷水沖洗並瀝乾。
6. 加入少許芝麻醬拌勻。完成!
7. 在蕎麥麵中加入任何其他配菜,如煎蛋、番茄片和任何你喜歡的食物。

651 留言

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Max Ernst

Jun 16, 2023

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Jun 13, 2023

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Jun 10, 2023

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Thanks to Tech savvy hacker for your help

Amelia Ethan

Jun 02, 2023

This refers to anyone looking to get their hands on cryptocurrency that has been stolen, lost to internet scams, or taken by reapers in binary options and forex trades. This is ideal for people who want to recoup every penny they lost to online fraud. Please thank me later if you contact Tech savvy hacker for a successful recovery. Due to ruthless attackers they were able to escape with 5.BTC from my wallet, which caused me to experience trauma and melancholy at a time when I most needed assistance. During my online study, I discovered Tech savvy hacker, a very reputable and trustworthy recovery agent. I’m grateful for the hack agent’s assistance in helping me recover what I lost and in revealing the criminals’ identities, and I’m also providing their contact information with anyone else in a comparable predicament who wants to reclaim money they lost to an internet scam. Contact this expert in cryptocurrency recovery at: Techsavvy@hackermail.com & WhatsApp/ text. +1 (514) 907-1514

Thanks to Tech savvy hacker for your help

Amelia Ethan

Jun 02, 2023
