Herbal soup benefits our lungs and guts

  • Apr 23, 2022
  • By Jack Law
  • 240 Comment
Chinese people like to drink herbal soup to benefit our lungs and guts. Here I recommend several soup packs that are good for you if you sometimes feel dry throat, sticky throat and cough.
Simply wash the ingredients and add some water. You can add some fresh meat like pork and vegetables like carrot and corn to make the soup more tasty. Boil together for 1 hour. Drink it once or twice a week can benefit your health.
Now we have all soup packs on discount. Buy some and try! ☺️

240 Comment


my name is Mrs. Vivian Salem, I am the widow to the late Mr. Nasim Salem in Iraq. Over one year ago, I lost my husband Nasim and three children (Husam, 15 years old, Wasim, 12 years old and Merna, 6 years old) this happened when an American Combatant Military Tank shelled our car as my family attempted to flee heavy fighting in Baghdad.

My husband was a renowned Industrialist in Iraq, until his tragic death, he left sum manifold amounts with a Security & Finance Firm in Europe for safe keeping. My reason for contacting you is that Baghdad – Iraq is no longer a safe place for investment for the fear of encountering the same experience my late husband encountered. Since massive bomb attacks. my need to invest this money in your country, either in real estate or any viable business venture you may suggest is of vital importance. Based on this point I seek for your assistance as a reliable partner to proceed to complete this project with me abroad.

If you are interested in assisting me to invest this cash in your country and becoming my business partner, please try to contact me as soon as possible Hoping to have an opulence pact with you on communal trust.

Best Regards

Vivian Salem

By Vivian Salem

Aug 09, 2023

After recognizing that an outflow of $300,000 worth of Bitcoin had occurred without my approval from my wallet, I understood that my wallet had been hijacked. I was very interested in discovering what had happened and getting my Bitcoin back at any length it will take. The 12-word seed phrase data that came from the wallet was stolen after they gained access to my email, but I still don’t know how it all transpired in such a hurry because all I did was click a link from a purchase order confirmation. To obtain some guidance on how I can get my stolen Bitcoin back, I promptly contacted a coworker who is knowledgeable about cryptocurrencies. With luck on my side, he was able to give me the contact to Cyber Genie which is: ( Cybergenie(@)Cyberservices. com )( +) (1 2)(52)(51)(20)(391). I couldn’t regain my crypto till I contacted Cyber Genie. After I explained everything to Cyber Genie, they were able to recover my crypto. At first, I didn’t believe this was even feasible or achievable because most of the articles I read while surfing the net for help on how to recover stolen Bitcoin mostly say that Bitcoin cannot be traced or recovered, but Cyber Genie Int’l saved a poor widow. Nothing in the realm of hacking, in my opinion, is tough for Cyber Genie..

Dutton Michael.

By Dutton Michael

Aug 08, 2023


ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score.
All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock.
Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX.

Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate.

Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker.

Stay Safe out there !

By Recovery Intel

Aug 05, 2023

Dobrý den, jsem paní Darvis Montes, obchodnice francouzského původu a bydlící ve Francii. V rámci boje proti chudobě a bankovnímu vyloučení nabízím online komerční půjčky, osobní půjčky, úvěry na financování, půjčky na nemovitosti a vše v rozmezí od 2 000 Kč do 8 000 000 Kč. Úroková sazba je 3 % z celého úvěru a podmínky nabídky úvěru jsou velmi jednoduché. Požadované půjčky jsou získány do 72 hodin od odeslání vaší žádosti. Moje nabídka je vážná, budete ji moci realizovat prostřednictvím postupu, který je právním postupem pro poskytování půjček mezi jednotlivci. Kontaktujte mě ještě dnes a dejte mi vědět, kolik peněz si chcete půjčit. Moje e-mailová adresa: darvismontes3@gmail.com

By darvis montes

Aug 03, 2023

Speciální nabídka rychlé půjčky \Dobrý den, jsem fyzická osoba nabízející půjčky po celé ČR. Mít kapitál, který bude použit na poskytování krátkodobých i dlouhodobých půjček mezi fyzickými osobami v rozmezí od 40 000 Kč do 80 000 000 Kč všem vážným lidem, kteří to opravdu potřebují, úroková sazba je 3% Poskytuji půjčky Finanční, Home půjčka, investiční půjčka, auto, osobní půjčka. Jsem připraven uspokojit své zákazníky maximálně do 1 dne od obdržení vaší přihlášky. E-mailem: darvismontes3@gmail.com

By darvis montes

Aug 03, 2023

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