
  • Apr 27, 2022
  • Jack Law
  • 11 留言
Ro Ma 為咗一眾想包粽嘅香港朋友,已經準備好啦💪🏻!英國包粽無難度,超市嘅五花腩又平又靚,最啱包咸肉粽。我哋就有糯米、去皮綠豆、粽葉連咸水草、大大包靚冬菇、醃肉嘅五香粉同生晒頭抽!我會用自家浸玫瑰露醃肉添呀!😋


鹹肉粽基本材料 :
  1. 糯米 600克
  2. 去皮綠豆 75克
  3. 粽葉 30片
  4. 鹹水草 12條
  5. 冬菇 3隻
  6. 五花腩 225克
  7. 咸蛋 6隻
鹹肉粽五花腩調味料 :
  1. 生抽 2茶匙
  2. 糖 1茶匙
  3. 鹽 1茶匙
  4. 五香粉 1/2茶匙
  5. 酒 1茶匙
鹹肉粽糯米調味料 :
  1. 鹽 2茶匙
  2. 油 2茶匙
  1. 五花腩用調味料醃製,備用。
  2. 洗淨糯米和綠豆,分別浸泡2小時後,隔去水份,拌入米的調味料。
  3. 沖洗粽葉後,用熱水浸泡粽葉及咸水草約兩小時,直至粽葉和鹹水草已經柔軟。取出並印乾後再修剪頭尾。
  4. 將冬菇剪腳並浸軟後切細,將咸蛋去殼後取蛋黃。
  1. 取出2片粽葉,交叉疊摺成3角頂部。然後放入1湯匙白糯米、1湯匙綠豆,再放入冬菇、五花腩、咸蛋,最後加上4湯匙白糯米。
  2. 取出另外2片粽葉,蓋上、將頭尾接入。綁上另外兩片粽葉,再將頭尾收好,用2條己打結的咸水草包紮成粽形。
  3. 將粽子放入沸水當中煮3小時,注意要定時加入沸水確保沸水浸過粽子,取出放涼後,即可食用。
  1. 粽葉的光滑面朝內包紮,會比較不容易粘米,更容易包好。
  2. 將粽葉折疊成杯形的時候,內側可以稍短一些,會較容易成型
  3. 將粽子合起來的時候,建議一隻手捏著粽子兩端,另一隻手再拿取另一塊粽葉蓋上,可確保粽餡不會散掉。

11 留言

The thought that your spouse could be cheating on you is devastating. Nothing under the sun is more panic than a cheating spouse. It’s one of the major reasons behind the number of domestic issues in society. It’s really very terrible for anyone to bear a cheating partner. The best way to handle these suspicions is to do everything in your power to catch them, preferably in the act. While open, honest dialogue is always the best course of action, it doesn' always yield open, and honest results when you’re dealing with a deceitful partner. And despite the increasingly flexible definitions of relationships, significant others continue to step out on their relationships and their partners. Perhaps, you’re that suspecting partner. You've felt it. That sick, nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach, you are absolutely certain your partner is cheating on you. You’ve recognized the signs. Now you want proof. Thanks to constantly-evolving tech, while it’s never been easier to cheat, it' also that much easier to catch the cheats. I read a review about this hacker called Spycyberhack@gmailcom whose job is clone a target phone and get you information such as Facebook, Skype, Viber, WeChat, WhatsApp, Messages, Line among others from the phone. I contacted him about my spouse phone and was shocked when I got to see text messages, iMessages, deleted messages etc from the phone. I recommend Hacker Spycyberhack@gmailcom for all your spy and hack related issues.


Jun 21, 2023
