
  • May 21, 2022
  • Jack Law
  • 21 留言
鹹肉粽基本材料 :
  1. 糯米 600克
  2. 去皮綠豆 75克
  3. 粽葉 30片
  4. 鹹水草 12條
  5. 冬菇 3隻
  6. 五花腩 225克
  7. 咸蛋 6隻
鹹肉粽五花腩調味料 :
  1. 生抽 2茶匙
  2. 糖 1茶匙
  3. 鹽 1茶匙
  4. 五香粉 1/2茶匙
  5. 酒 1茶匙
鹹肉粽糯米調味料 :
  1. 鹽 2茶匙
  2. 油 2茶匙
  1. 五花腩用調味料醃製,備用。
  2. 洗淨糯米和綠豆,分別浸泡2小時後,隔去水份,拌入米的調味料。
  3. 沖洗粽葉後,用熱水浸泡粽葉及咸水草約兩小時,直至粽葉和鹹水草已經柔軟。取出並印乾後再修剪頭尾。
  4. 將冬菇剪腳並浸軟後切細,將咸蛋去殼後取蛋黃。
  1. 取出2片粽葉,交叉疊摺成3角頂部。然後放入1湯匙白糯米、1湯匙綠豆,再放入冬菇、五花腩、咸蛋,最後加上4湯匙白糯米。
  2. 取出另外2片粽葉,蓋上、將頭尾接入。綁上另外兩片粽葉,再將頭尾收好,用2條己打結的咸水草包紮成粽形。
  3. 將粽子放入沸水當中煮3小時,注意要定時加入沸水確保沸水浸過粽子,取出放涼後,即可食用。
  1. 粽葉的光滑面朝內包紮,會比較不容易粘米,更容易包好。
  2. 將粽葉折疊成杯形的時候,內側可以稍短一些,會較容易成型
  3. 將粽子合起來的時候,建議一隻手捏著粽子兩端,另一隻手再拿取另一塊粽葉蓋上,可確保粽餡不會散掉。

21 留言

I never thought I would get scammed of all my assets on this exchange which I was warned by friends to keep off the exchange, they stole all my life saving the total funds of $88k worth of bitcoin. I couldn’t believe bitcoin could ever be recovered, all thanks to a kind hearted team of Lost Recovery Masters they just offered me top notch services and they are capable of offering hacking services of any sort.
To that one person or persons out there who really need a true and efficient cryptocurrency recovery expert I would advise you to contact Lost Recovery Masters via
Email: [Support@lostrecoverymasters.com]
Whatsapp [+44(7537)-105921]
Website: [https://lostrecoverymasters.com}

Alexa Mike

Sep 16, 2024

I never thought I would get scammed of all my assets on this exchange which I was warned by friends to keep off the exchange, they stole all my life saving the total funds of $88k worth of bitcoin. I couldn’t believe bitcoin could ever be recovered, all thanks to a kind hearted team of Lost Recovery Masters they just offered me top notch services and they are capable of offering hacking services of any sort.
To that one person or persons out there who really need a true and efficient cryptocurrency recovery expert I would advise you to contact Lost Recovery Masters via
Email: [Support@lostrecoverymasters.com]
Whatsapp [+44(7537)-105921]
Website: [https://lostrecoverymasters.com}

Alexa Mike

Sep 16, 2024

I never thought I would get scammed of all my assets on this exchange which I was warned by friends to keep off the exchange, they stole all my life saving the total funds of $88k worth of bitcoin. I couldn’t believe bitcoin could ever be recovered, all thanks to a kind hearted team of Lost Recovery Masters they just offered me top notch services and they are capable of offering hacking services of any sort.
To that one person or persons out there who really need a true and efficient cryptocurrency recovery expert I would advise you to contact Lost Recovery Masters via
Email: [Support@lostrecoverymasters.com]
Whatsapp [+44(7537)-105921]
Website: [https://lostrecoverymasters.com}

Alexa Mike

Sep 16, 2024


I’m writing to the public to provide knowledge about Lost Recovery Masters. Look no further if you ever demand hacking services, When I lost more than $150,000 USD in bitcoin, individually I found myself in a challenging situation, I was inconsolable and believed I had reached my lowest point, I had no hope of getting my invested money back. All that changed when I discovered Lost Recovery Master and everything was transformed. The company intervened and helped me get all my money back within a short period of time. Their services are well recommended and they ensure maximum satisfaction to their clients. You can contact them via

Website: (https://lostrecoverymasters.com/)
Whatsapp (+44(7537)-105921)
Support Email (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com)

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