Yummy and Healthy Pack Lunch --- Black Fungus Salad, Egg & Tomato, Sesame Sauce Soba

  • Jan 24, 2023
  • Jack Law
  • 542 留言
黑木耳 (Auricularia polytricha) 富含纖維、維生素和營養素,對我們的腸道、大腦和血管特別有益。它也是一種非常有效的抗氧化劑!
1. 挑選一小束黑木耳絲。黑木耳絲非常容易煮,方便快捷。將其浸泡在冷水中 15 分鐘,直至變軟。
2. 然後用水煮5分鐘,隔水。
3. 白芝麻放平底鑊以中細火烘烤2-3分鐘至表面金黃即可,途中要不斷翻動芝麻以防燒焦。
4. 黑木耳中加點調味料,例如芝麻、糖、和風沙拉醬、醋、辣醬都可以,可隨意根據自己的喜好調味,然後就完成了!放入冰箱冷藏2-3天。想吃就吃!!
5. 蕎麥麵煮5-8分鐘至熟。用冷水沖洗並瀝乾。
6. 加入少許芝麻醬拌勻。完成!
7. 在蕎麥麵中加入任何其他配菜,如煎蛋、番茄片和任何你喜歡的食物。

542 留言

Mes remerciements à Mme IRANNA BRUN qui a bien accepté finaliser ma demande de prêt d’un montant de 2.000euros j’apprécie surtout les détails du début jusqu’à réception du crédit. Je publie ce témoignage, car il existe bel et bien des prêteurs particulier, alors je le recommande aussi voici son mail: irannabrun@gmail.com


Mar 30, 2023

Hello everyone I am from Auckland, New Zealand … I am here to share this message of greatness to only those who will seize the opportunity life will offer to become somebody great and actualize their dreams. so happy I got mine from Mr. Mike My blank ATM card can withdraw 5000 dollars daily. I got it from Him last week and now I have 50000 dollars monthly. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now I have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Mr. Mike because i met two people before him and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Mr. Mike sent the card through UPS Express Delivery Shipment, and I got it in 4 days. Get your own card from him now he is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card, he is giving it out to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. Start living your big dreams, living that large and comfortable life that you always wised for, contact email: (cchacker0002@gmail.com )


Mar 30, 2023

My name is Melissa, All thanks go to Dr. Murugu for saving my marriage from toning apart. I feel so grateful and only have good words about a powerful spell caster named Dr. Murugu who helped me bring back my husband. We had been apart for 2 years, at first I was thinking if I was doing the right thing by contacting a spell caster, but I so much love my husband and won’t give him up for anything in this world. I decided to contact Dr. Murugu through his mail address I found several testifiers’ messages online, and I told him about my situation, he laughed and told me my husband will be back to me in the next 48 hours. I felt it wasn’t going to happen at first until my husband called me and was so eager to have me back more than anything on earth.

Now we are together and he can’t do without me and both of us are happy. I feel so happy sharing this testimony because there was no negative act attached to his work. His work was smooth and fast. Thanks to Dr. Murugu for bringing back happiness to my life. I swear with my life that Dr. Murugu is a man to trust and take your problems to. You can contact him on his e-mail,dr.makinidrmurugu@gmail.com if you truly want your love back.
Email: dr.makinidrmurugu@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +90 538 069 4285


Mar 23, 2023

My name is Melissa, All thanks go to Dr. Murugu for saving my marriage from toning apart. I feel so grateful and only have good words about a powerful spell caster named Dr. Murugu who helped me bring back my husband. We had been apart for 2 years, at first I was thinking if I was doing the right thing by contacting a spell caster, but I so much love my husband and won’t give him up for anything in this world. I decided to contact Dr. Murugu through his mail address I found several testifiers’ messages online, and I told him about my situation, he laughed and told me my husband will be back to me in the next 48 hours. I felt it wasn’t going to happen at first until my husband called me and was so eager to have me back more than anything on earth.

Now we are together and he can’t do without me and both of us are happy. I feel so happy sharing this testimony because there was no negative act attached to his work. His work was smooth and fast. Thanks to Dr. Murugu for bringing back happiness to my life. I swear with my life that Dr. Murugu is a man to trust and take your problems to. You can contact him on his e-mail,dr.makinidrmurugu@gmail.com if you truly want your love back.
Email: dr.makinidrmurugu@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +90 538 069 4285


Mar 23, 2023


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