
  • Aug 15, 2022
  • Jack Law
  • 808 コメント
白いゼリーパウダー100gと砂糖15gを熱湯2500mlに混ぜ、粉が完全に溶けるまでよくかき混ぜ、冷蔵庫に入れて冷やし固め、フルーツなどお好みのトッピングをする 🍒🍉🍓🫐またはココナッツミルク🥥.



808 コメント

I was been framed at my place of work of stealing company funds, some documents were made up showing that i was responsible for the stolen funds, I was eventually sacked and i was locked up until i was able to pay back the funds that was stolen, Then i explained my situation to a friend of mine who came to visit and he took it upon himself to make sure i was freed, He hired a group of private investigators who investigated the case and brought out the original documents out showing the real culprit and i was free at last i was later promoted at my place of work, Contact Brillianthackers800 AT gmail DOT com and also via WhatsApp +14106350697 so you can share your own victory story.

Johnson Milner

Mar 28, 2024

Read more on DR ISIKOLO via his website (https://isikolo-temple.com)
I was still in college when I met my fiancé. We dated for quite a long time and cohabited and our relationship was approved by our parents. We got along and everything was perfect. He traveled out for some training and since then everything never became good for us again. He was seeing a lady over there and he tends to have committed much to what they shared and left me out the picture. I did all I can to fix the problem but nothing worked until I heard about Dr Isikolo. I contacted him and explained what I was going through and he promised to help which he did as promised. I complied with the instructions he gave me and he fixed the problem I had with my fiancé and now he’s back to me and we are getting married in a month. All thanks to Dr Isikolo. Contact him now if you need any help. email: isikolosolutionhome@gmail.com or text him on WhatsApp:+2348133261196

Bianca Walters

Mar 27, 2024

Have you ever succumbed for a scam? or have you encountered monetary damage due to online scammers? I beg you to get in touch with Brien Stone Spammer (brienstone02@gmail.com or telegram:t.me/brienstone or Whatsapp +1 (415) 745-2589), a reputable hacker and recovery specialist. I fell prey to scammers posing as bitcoin and binary options investors, and I lost $60,000 from my bitcoin wallet as a result. It took me a while to understand they were frauds, and this hurt a lot. I was able to get my lost bitcoins back in less than 72 hours thanks to Brien Stone. You will be very happy you contacted Brien Stone for assistance if you have lost any money to online frauds and are looking to recover loss from wallet hackers or phony hackers.  


Mar 27, 2024

I Have At Last Located A Trustworthy Cyber Expert Who Deals With Lost Bitcoin Troubles Contact Lost Recovery Masters

I’m Steve Ballmer and I’m thrilled to tell you about this. After being duped into investing in stolen bitcoin a few months ago, I lost all of my cash. Even though I was in a terrible situation, my despair did not last long because a coworker had told me about LOST RECOVERY MASTERS who deal with Cryptocurrency Recovery Solution. Through the assistance of Lost Recovery Masters, I was able to get back the money that had been stolen. After being informed by another bunch of hackers that my $745,000 was permanently lost, I was able to restore it. It was a huge relief, and anyone out there who unquestionably fell for this financial swindle should get in touch with Lost Recovery Masters, they will help you recover your lost or stolen funds.
Contact them on:
Website: https://lostrecoverymasters.wixsite.com/recoverbitcoin2024
Email: (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com)

Steve Ballmer

Mar 27, 2024

Hello, My name is Annie Torres From Canada.
I Fell victim to a Cryptocurrency Scam, Early this year. All thanks to SWIFT RECOVERY FIRM who was able to recover my lost Bitcoin. It all Started with a message pop on my phone advertising a Cryptocurrency Investment opportunity and how to yield profits from Bitcoin Investments. I got interested and after doing some research I decided to put In $237,000 worth of Crypto with the Company. All went well including my profits accumulated so fast, till it was time to make my withdrawals. My account was frozen and huge funds were requested from me which I was not able to pay. I had to Quickly look out for a solution, that’s when I came Across SWIFT RECOVERY SERVICE, A certified Bitcoin Recovery Firm. After filing my case through swiftrecoveryservice006@gmail.com, I only had to wait for 72 hours and all my Funds were recovered back to me. I heartily endorse SWIFT RECOVERY FIRM for all Bitcoin and lost funds recovery.

Email Address; swiftrecoveryservice006@gmail.com
Call or WhatsApp; +1 (786) 684-0501


Mar 25, 2024
