
  • Apr 30, 2022
  • Jack Law
  • 36 コメント


ココナッツオイルと水を加えるだけで、伝統的なラクサスープヌードルを作ることができます。 「ビーフン」を使うのが一番です。フィッシュボール、エビ、もやしなど、好きなものをトッピングできます。


  1. 春雨が柔らかくなるまで2〜5分間茹でます。
  2. 春雨を冷水で1分間すすいでください。
  3. ラクサペースト、ココナッツを追加します 鍋にミルクと水を入れてよく混ぜます。好みに応じて具材の量を調整できます。ラクサペーストのボトル1本は通常2〜3人前で十分です。
  4. スープを1〜2分間茹でます。
  5. 春雨にスープを加えます。
  6. フィッシュボール、エビ、もやしなど、さまざまなトッピングを追加します。
  7. 必要に応じてスパイスを追加します。


36 コメント

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william wirtz

Aug 15, 2024

My marriage is a direct result of Prophet Isaac’s love magic. For years, he has cast spells of divine affection to help me sort out issues with my partner. As I neared retirement, I knew that life after employment would bring its own set of difficulties, so I turned to Prophet Isaac for advice. He promised me that I would hit the jackpot if I adhered to his instructions to the letter. I collected the items needed for the lottery spell and, feeling sure of myself, revealed my retirement intentions to my boss, who agreed to July 17 as my retirement day. Three days after that, I went to a J&J Variety store in West Boylston, Mass, as Prophet Isaac had instructed, and to my surprise, I won $1,000,000. I chose to take the cash prize of $650,000. I am deeply thankful to Prophet Isaac. I invite you to express your thanks to him or reach out to Prophet Isaac for help via email: (urgentspellcast01@gmail.com), WhatsApp: +1 (757) 237-1724, or on his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/RealWhiteMagicSpell.

Mariam Wilson

Aug 13, 2024

My marriage is a direct result of Prophet Isaac’s love magic. For years, he has cast spells of divine affection to help me sort out issues with my partner. As I neared retirement, I knew that life after employment would bring its own set of difficulties, so I turned to Prophet Isaac for advice. He promised me that I would hit the jackpot if I adhered to his instructions to the letter. I collected the items needed for the lottery spell and, feeling sure of myself, revealed my retirement intentions to my boss, who agreed to July 17 as my retirement day. Three days after that, I went to a J&J Variety store in West Boylston, Mass, as Prophet Isaac had instructed, and to my surprise, I won $1,000,000. I chose to take the cash prize of $650,000. I am deeply thankful to Prophet Isaac. I invite you to express your thanks to him or reach out to Prophet Isaac for help via email: (urgentspellcast01@gmail.com), WhatsApp: +1 (757) 237-1724, or on his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/RealWhiteMagicSpell.

Mariam Wilson

Aug 13, 2024
