竹きのこ - 鍋やスープに適した栄養価の高いおいしいきのこ

  • Sep 25, 2022
  • Jack Law
  • 284 コメント


「竹きのこ」は、唐の時代に「薬草」に初めて記録されました。甘くて平らな性質を持つ栄養価の高い食用キノコです。清朝の貢物として挙げられ、宮廷の宮廷料理として用いられたことから「竹参」とも呼ばれています。 '。





  1. 竹きのこと白きのこを洗い、ぬるま湯に漬ける
  2. 竹きのこのきのこキャップ、つまり閉じた端を切り落とします
  3. 適量の水、竹きのこ、紅ナツメ、白きのこを鍋に入れる
  4. 沸騰したら弱火にして40分煮たら火を止め、氷砂糖を加えて溶けるまで煮る。


--> 竹の菌

--> 白い菌類

--> 赤い日付

--> 角砂糖



材料: 鶏肉、たけのこ、しょうが、水、塩


1. 鶏肉は洗って一口大に切り、熱湯でさっとゆでて血抜きをし、水洗いする。

2. タケノコは水につけて柔らかくした後、 たけのこのかさを切り落とす、次に小片に切り、後で使用するために沸騰したお湯でブランチングします。

3. 鍋に水としょうがを入れて沸騰させ、鶏肉とささみを入れ、弱火にして25分ほど煮る。

4. 塩を少々加えます。


284 コメント

Imagine losing about seven hundred and fifty-six thousand US dollars to an investment scam due to ignorance. Yes, I was ignorant and I fell for the scam. I was promised to have 30% ROI every month and each time I tried to make withdrawals they kept asking me to re-invest more money. That was how it got to this amount. Then I knew I had been scammed. I did my research and got in contact with “BACKENDRECOVER AT RESCUETEAM DOT COM”, after sending all the information they requested, 100% of my bitcoin investment was recovered and I am so glad I didn’t make the mistake of contacting the wrong person again.

Jeppe Bach

Aug 26, 2024


My heart was shattered into a million pieces when I discovered that the person I thought I had fallen deeply in love with was a fake. A celebrity impersonator who manipulated my emotions and swindled me out of $200,000 in Bitcoin. I felt like I was living in a nightmare, unable to wake up from the pain and betrayal. BUT, thanks to the angels at jetwebhackers, I was able to recover my money and bring the scammer to justice. Their expertise and support gave me the strength to heal and move forward. If you’re going through something similar, please know that you’re not alone. Don’t give up hope – there are good people who can help you. #scamvictim #heartbroken #bitcoinrecovery #justice



TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers

jennifer bryner

Aug 24, 2024

Hi, about a week ago my BTC was transferred to a wallet address I do not recognize. I never did this nor did I approve the transaction. I was hacked/phished. I was able to trace this address and recover my coins when I contacted, hackingprofessional3 [AT] G.M.A.I L [DOT] C om. I really appreciate their level of professionalism and explanation dealing with this issue.

Linda Kimble

Aug 24, 2024

I became a victim of a bitcoin scam and lost a significant amount of money. It happened a few weeks ago. The only way I handled it was to talk to the right people; if you don’t, you’ll end up feeling very sad. Until I emailed the highly recommended professional team at BACKENDRECOVER at RESCUETEAM dot COM, I was in total despair. I started to feel a little better about myself as soon as I wrote them. The good news is that I didn’t have to worry about anything during the process; all I had to do was wait for them to finish and return all of my money to my wallet. without any upfront payment.

Pamela Weeks

Aug 23, 2024

Hello my name is Henry…. I was once involved in this crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Telegram. I lost about $934k to this evil scheme after I invested and accumulated profits, I was denied withdrawals on the specified date. I wrote to customer support but I was given no feedback. I knew I had been scammed and I started to search for a crypto recovery expert… I considered myself fortunate, if not blessed to have met a real asset recovery George Wizard Recovery Home. I would highly recommend this hacker to anyone who wants to recover their lost funds from any scam. He is the best in the business and will do anything possible to help you get your money back. Now, I’m a happy man and a satisfied client with my life back. Contact info Email: georgewizardrecoveryhome@gmail.com)& Tel/WhatsApp: (+1 (908) 768-4663) Thank you so much George Wizard Recovery Home.


Aug 22, 2024
