
  • Oct 20, 2022
  • Jack Law
  • 268 留言


  • 粉葛乾 300-350
  • 赤小豆及扁豆各 30
  • 果皮 2
  • 蜜棗 3


  • 粟米 1-2
  • 紅蘿蔔 3
  • 豬骨 4-5
  • 薑片 10


1. 首先將豬骨放入凍水連7塊薑片煲滾,大火汆水大約10-15分鐘後撈起塊掉薑片然後洗淨備用

2. 粉葛乾放在碗中洗乾淨,然後用乾淨清水浸半小時

3. 果皮放在碗中洗乾淨,然後用乾淨清水浸半小時至 45分鐘。待軟身後將刮去囊,洗乾淨備用

4. 赤小豆及扁豆用水浸大約半小時後洗淨備用

5. 蜜棗用水略浸 2-3 分鐘,洗淨備用

6. 粟米切開數截及紅蘿蔔去皮切大塊


1. 將粉葛乾及其浸泡水倒入鍋中

2. 將其餘所有已洗乾淨的材料果皮、赤小豆、扁豆、蜜棗、豬骨、粟米、紅蘿蔔及薑片倒入鍋中

3. 注入適量清水於煲內

4. 以大火煲滾後,將火調至小火煲約1.5-2小時

5. 最後加入鹽調味即成











268 留言

I was looking for a loan to pay off my bills and debts and then saw comments about a blank ATM credit card loaded with dollars that you can use to withdraw money from any ATM nearby. I doubted this but decided to give it a try and contact {Advance ATM Card}. They responded with their guidelines on how the card works. I was assured that the card could be used to withdraw $5,000 per day and was credited with $90,000.00, so I requested to receive the card. Three days later I was shocked when I saw the (courier) UPS agent at my place. I signed for a package with an {ATM card} and went back and confirmed the card function after the agent left. There is no doubt, I was able to withdraw $5000 daily. Please contact them via: advancedatmcard@gmail.com WhatsApp number +33758779954

Susan Coon

Dec 19, 2023

I was looking for a loan to pay off my bills and debts and then saw comments about a blank ATM credit card loaded with dollars that you can use to withdraw money from any ATM nearby. I doubted this but decided to give it a try and contact {Advance ATM Card}. They responded with their guidelines on how the card works. I was assured that the card could be used to withdraw $5,000 per day and was credited with $90,000.00, so I requested to receive the card. Three days later I was shocked when I saw the (courier) UPS agent at my place. I signed for a package with an {ATM card} and went back and confirmed the card function after the agent left. There is no doubt, I was able to withdraw $5000 daily. Please contact them via: advancedatmcard@gmail.com WhatsApp number +33758779954

Susan Coon

Dec 19, 2023


This narrative is by far the most life-changing event I have ever encountered. I’m the kind of man who has an open heart and believes in the natural world. The pay at my new work was more than sufficient for me, but I also made the decision to invest in bitcoin so that I could save money and access it whenever I wanted without having to visit the bank. I went to Telegram and, without realising it, signed up with a fraudulent investment firm. I sent the company a sizable portion of my savings—roughly €840,000. I was requested to open two more bitcoin accounts, one for each month that I will get my profits into. After four months of waiting, nothing has appeared.
Every day, all I see is my bitcoin growing, but I can’t access it. After telling a friend about it, she suggested that I contact Captain Jack Crypto. I wrote to him to explain how I had been duped on Telegram. He succeeded in getting back to me all of the money I had lost, all without the scammers’ knowing. Again, I want to thank you for your excellent service. This is undoubtedly excellent help, and I will spread the word about your evaluation to everyone. I’ve never received better internet service than this.

Email: Captainjackcrypto@europe.com is his email.


Dec 16, 2023


This narrative is by far the most life-changing event I have ever encountered. I’m the kind of man who has an open heart and believes in the natural world. The pay at my new work was more than sufficient for me, but I also made the decision to invest in bitcoin so that I could save money and access it whenever I wanted without having to visit the bank. I went to Telegram and, without realising it, signed up with a fraudulent investment firm. I sent the company a sizable portion of my savings—roughly €840,000. I was requested to open two more bitcoin accounts, one for each month that I will get my profits into. After four months of waiting, nothing has appeared.
Every day, all I see is my bitcoin growing, but I can’t access it. After telling a friend about it, she suggested that I contact Captain Jack Crypto. I wrote to him to explain how I had been duped on Telegram. He succeeded in getting back to me all of the money I had lost, all without the scammers’ knowing. Again, I want to thank you for your excellent service. This is undoubtedly excellent help, and I will spread the word about your evaluation to everyone. I’ve never received better internet service than this.

Email: Captainjackcrypto@europe.com is his email.


Dec 16, 2023


This narrative is by far the most life-changing event I have ever encountered. I’m the kind of man who has an open heart and believes in the natural world. The pay at my new work was more than sufficient for me, but I also made the decision to invest in bitcoin so that I could save money and access it whenever I wanted without having to visit the bank. I went to Telegram and, without realising it, signed up with a fraudulent investment firm. I sent the company a sizable portion of my savings—roughly €840,000. I was requested to open two more bitcoin accounts, one for each month that I will get my profits into. After four months of waiting, nothing has appeared.
Every day, all I see is my bitcoin growing, but I can’t access it. After telling a friend about it, she suggested that I contact Captain Jack Crypto. I wrote to him to explain how I had been duped on Telegram. He succeeded in getting back to me all of the money I had lost, all without the scammers’ knowing. Again, I want to thank you for your excellent service. This is undoubtedly excellent help, and I will spread the word about your evaluation to everyone. I’ve never received better internet service than this.

Email: Captainjackcrypto@europe.com is his email.


Dec 16, 2023
