竹笙 - 營養豐富又美味,適合火鍋、煲湯

  • Sep 25, 2022
  • Jack Law
  • 270 留言






  1. 竹笙、銀耳洗淨,用溫鹽水泡發
  2. 將竹笙的菌蓋頭,也就是封閉的一端剪去
  3. 鍋中放入適量的水,竹笙,紅棗和雪耳
  4. 大火煮開後轉小火再煮40分鐘關火,加入冰糖後煮溶即可

--> 竹笙

--> 雪耳

--> 紅棗

--> 冰糖



1.  雞肉洗淨後切塊,放入沸水中汆燙去除血水,再以清水洗淨。
2.  竹笙浸泡水至軟後,去除外膜與尾部網狀部份,再切成小段,放入沸水中汆燙備用。
3.  取一鍋,放入水、薑片煮至沸騰後,放入雞肉塊、竹笙轉小火煮約25分鐘。

4. 加入適量鹽即可。

270 留言

If you’re not familiar with cryptocurrency trading, I strongly advise you to either stay away from it completely or invest very cautiously. I was forced to invest a significant amount of my life savings on a forex platform to increase my profits, but I ultimately lost roughly 95,000 USD to this investment scam. I was not allowed to take my money out after I had invested and made a profit. I sent a letter to customer service, but it was ineffective, so I realized I had been duped. I was fortunate enough to come across a genuine deal retrieval WEB WIZARD after much looking for ways to acquire assistance. I decided to give it a shot and explained my condition to them. they gave me their word that they would help me get my money back. Honestly, they performed a fantastic job, and my money was recovered in my wallet in less than 24 hours without any upfront payment. I appreciate having encountered WEB WIZARD with such exceptional abilities, it’s truly remarkable.
TELEGRAM: @BestwebwizardRecovery
WHATSAPP: +1(580) 2801390
EMAIL: bestwebwizardrecovery@consultant.com
OR: info@bestwebwizrecovery.com
WEBSITE: https://bestwebwizrecovery.com/

Paul Becker

Aug 27, 2024

Imagine losing about seven hundred and fifty-six thousand US dollars to an investment scam due to ignorance. Yes, I was ignorant and I fell for the scam. I was promised to have 30% ROI every month and each time I tried to make withdrawals they kept asking me to re-invest more money. That was how it got to this amount. Then I knew I had been scammed. I did my research and got in contact with “BACKENDRECOVER AT RESCUETEAM DOT COM”, after sending all the information they requested, 100% of my bitcoin investment was recovered and I am so glad I didn’t make the mistake of contacting the wrong person again.

Jeppe Bach

Aug 26, 2024


My heart was shattered into a million pieces when I discovered that the person I thought I had fallen deeply in love with was a fake. A celebrity impersonator who manipulated my emotions and swindled me out of $200,000 in Bitcoin. I felt like I was living in a nightmare, unable to wake up from the pain and betrayal. BUT, thanks to the angels at jetwebhackers, I was able to recover my money and bring the scammer to justice. Their expertise and support gave me the strength to heal and move forward. If you’re going through something similar, please know that you’re not alone. Don’t give up hope – there are good people who can help you. #scamvictim #heartbroken #bitcoinrecovery #justice



TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers

jennifer bryner

Aug 24, 2024

Hi, about a week ago my BTC was transferred to a wallet address I do not recognize. I never did this nor did I approve the transaction. I was hacked/phished. I was able to trace this address and recover my coins when I contacted, hackingprofessional3 [AT] G.M.A.I L [DOT] C om. I really appreciate their level of professionalism and explanation dealing with this issue.

Linda Kimble

Aug 24, 2024

I became a victim of a bitcoin scam and lost a significant amount of money. It happened a few weeks ago. The only way I handled it was to talk to the right people; if you don’t, you’ll end up feeling very sad. Until I emailed the highly recommended professional team at BACKENDRECOVER at RESCUETEAM dot COM, I was in total despair. I started to feel a little better about myself as soon as I wrote them. The good news is that I didn’t have to worry about anything during the process; all I had to do was wait for them to finish and return all of my money to my wallet. without any upfront payment.

Pamela Weeks

Aug 23, 2024
